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A drag performer dressed as a flower with a mouth mask covering their entire head flails wildly. Photo by Sloane Kanter

The Oaklash Disability Fund
A Critical Support Grant for Chronically Ill & Disabled Queer Performance Makers in the Bay Area

Applications are currently closed. Come back Summer 2025 for more details about our next round!


Download accessible versions of the grant guidelines below

Within the queer community, chronically ill and disabled performers and cultural workers have been limited in their access to resources, opportunities, and funding. Oaklash strives to eliminate barriers for our community members whose social, racial, and economic positionality affects their access to stability and resources. With a continued focus on accessibility, Oaklash has created this resource to empower these members of our community. 

The Oaklash Disability Fund supports chronically ill and disabled queer and trans performance makers in need of critical support. This could include, but is not limited to:


  • An illness or pain flare-up

  • Loss of job associated with illness/disability

  • Loss of funds associated with illness/disability

  • Lack of accessible work or performance space

  • Inability to meet basic needs associated with an inability to work full-time 


We are offering small grants in the amount of $500 and $1000 to a select group of applicants in need. Selection will be done randomly though applicants who also identify as Queer or Trans BIPOC will be prioritized.








  • Chronic illness is a long-term health condition and includes mental health illnesses, as well as long COVID, chronic fatigue, and more. 

  • Disability is a condition or lived experience that limits a person's movements, senses, and/or activities.

  • BIPOC is Black, Indigenous, and/or Person of Color.

  • Queer is an umbrella term inclusive of anyone whose identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, or otherwise not heterosexual.

  • Trans is Transgender, Non-Binary, Gender Noncomforing, Genderqueer, Genderfluid, 2-Spirit, and/or any gender identity otherwise not cisgender.




  • You are eligible for this grant if you work in and for performance including performers, costume makers, stage hands, producers, tech/lighting, and other performance support roles.

  • You must live in one of these Bay Area counties: Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma Counties.

  • You must be a US citizen, however, if you are undocumented or have other restrictions in receiving funding but may receive funds through another adult you are eligible to apply.

  • You must be 18 years of age or older.

  • You must identify as chronically ill and/or disabled (official diagnosis or proof of medical history NOT required) and queer or trans, and have a self-identified need of funding support. 




  • Selection will be done by random number generation. Applicants will be pulled at random until all funds are utilized.

  • Applicants will not be notified of denial for the grant until all funds are claimed.

  • Applicants who also identify as Queer or Trans BIPOC will be prioritized by ensuring at least 70% of available funds are held for applicants who identify as such.




  • We recognize that applicants for this fund may have challenges completing this application and/or receiving funds. We welcome friends or loved ones to apply on someone else's behalf WITH THEIR PERMISSION.

  • If you would like support completing this application from one of our volunteers, please reach out to us at 


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